May 9, 2010

Love is in the Air! now its a time for recollection

weather in the coastal regions of SoCal are in need of a desperate makeover. the weather is so cold and dreary i can't help but wish for sunnier days! Sorry folks for the lack of updates, cramming for finals & midterms has taken a toll on my spare time. So i am going to graduate high school in approximately 1 month & a half, i have been doing a lot of pondering. recovering from a sickness i endured during the summer of '09, i feel as if my senior year has been taken from me. i spent my entire senior year recovering from a traumatic illness. As i struggled to keep my health intact, i looked around and saw the enjoyment in the air, something i could not partake in. feelings of depression & disillusionment clouded my mind. i could not enjoy my last year of high school with parties and study sessions. instead, i was home nauseous and weak. I am sad to say that my senior year of high school was my WORST year. But as i am getting better, i learned to not dwell in the past. one must move on, relax & relapse. always thinking about what could have been, or what i should have done only takes away from the present. I should look to the future for my aspirations and inspirations, look beyond my illness and enjoy my life as a teenager. I am proud to say that my sickness has provided deep insight to life. I learned to appreciate so many things that not many people my age understand. i am able to feel gratitude for the family that has stuck by me. I feel empathy for the disabled and the old. i know what it is like to lay with an I.V. on my arm and look outside and see people running around enjoying the false sense of invincibility. i learned to appreciate my limbs that form function, and a brain that keeps me sane. I appreciate what i had to go through because it had brought me back to Christ. I sought Christ when i literally hit rock bottom. small groups and group leaders has taught me that although they may not understand what i went through, they will always pray for my health and endurance. Christ works in mysterious ways. he had closed a door in my life, and opened a new one. he has shown his gift through the little things in my life. such as a house, family, friends, and church.

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